Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation

MCF integrates environmental conservation initiatives to child welfare programmes. This is a strategy to facilitate environmental transformation and create safety nets for vulnerable children and child survival at the institutional and community level.

Climate change is one of the most serious threats to sustainable development globally. Studies have shown that 90% of all-natural disasters afflicting the world are related to severe weather and extreme climate change events.

Most of MCF projects are located in Arid and semi-arid regions that are prone to adverse effects of climate change. It is in this response that MCF has a deliberate programme that gears towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. The forestation exercise has led MCF to experience microclimate of its kind due to the trees have grown.

MCF has planted and distributed over 5 Million trees in its project sites, the surrounding communities and institutions.

Soil conservation & Environmental Management.

MCF integrates soil and water conservation in its environmental initiatives. MCF promotes the conservation of Indigenous trees and vegetation in their natural habitats. MCF Ndalani and MCF Yatta with Years of tree planting have a microclimate that is a demonstration of capabilities of curbing the negative effects of climate change in our communities. Through a partnership with local communities and organizations, MCF produces and supplies several thousands of tree seedlings to various regions in the country.

Community Tree planting project.

MCF partners with community-based groups, schools and institutions under Dr Mulli Environmental Award scheme in a programme known as “adopt a tree campaign”. The identified groups are supplied with seeds and tree seedlings that they plant in their respective areas or environs. The institution or individuals with outstanding initiatives in environmental conservation are rewarded every year. The competition involves analyzing the innovation, creativity, commitment, and self-drive in conserving the immediate environment and sharing the same to others.

Water harvesting and conservation

We seek to achieve enhanced water harvesting, storage, utilization and conservation of watershed at MCF and surrounding areas to improve livelihoods. Priority areas include construction and maintenance of water dams, rooftop rainwater harvesting, water purification plants and water boreholes drilling.

Renewable energy production, promotion and utilization

We seek to enhance increased sustainable production, utilization and management of renewable energy for institutional, domestic and processing purposes in MCF and Kenya. We aim at strengthening MCF sustainability in energy needs as well as promoting access to clean and affordable green energy sources by the poor households in neighbourhood communities. The areas of focus include Biomass production; Biogas Plant development within MCF Ndalani; Solar energy access; and Production and promotion of energy-saving cook-stoves.