
Mully Movie is a story of a great African hero, Dr. Charles Mulli, an orphan who lived a beggary life and through hard work and faith in God became a Millionaire. Reflecting back on his life, he was not satisfied, he dedicated his entire life to saving and caring for orphans, street children, destitute, neglected and other needy children.

Over the last 28 years since the inception of Mully Children’s Family which is the largest family in the world, Dr. Charles has positively transformed the lives of over 12000 children who were once hopeless.

Mully Movie will broaden your understanding of the plight of orphans and street children. It has been showing for three days in Theaters on October 3,4 and 5 this year in the USA and also for two days October 4 and 12 in Canada.

Mully Movie will be screened in Kenya and other countries in Africa in the coming months. Purpose to watch this life changing ministry

Watch the trailer here

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